Cutting down on carbs is often very healthy, as long as you cut down on the right carbs. For instance, you are probably going to have to ditch sugary, fried, and processed foods while increasing the consumption of beans and whole grains.
First things first, don’t completely eliminate carbs from your diet. The ideal amount would be somewhere between 100 to 150 grams of carbs per day or about 40% of the total calories you take in per day. Even though your diet depends on whether you are young or old as well as on your activity level, and the speed of your metabolism, if you consume around 1,500 calories a day, you only need about 135 grams of carbs. If you eat more than that, you might experience energy loss and increased hunger.
So, what are carbs anyway? They are the sugars, fiber, and starches found in fruits, vegetables, milk products, and grains. They are also macronutrients, making them one of the three vital ways your body obtains both calories and energy. The other two include proteins and fat.
Low-carb diets are widely used to treat (or prevent) a number of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, hyperinsulinemia, and even obesity.
Studies dealing with the benefits of this diet have reached positive conclusions and there’s a significant amount of people who have managed to improve their health and lifestyle by following a low-carbohydrate diet. If you’re unsure where to start, consult your nutritionist.