
  • 9 Tips For Eating Healthy On A Budget

    Eating healthy is difficult enough, but eating healthy on a budget seems near impossible. Follow these 9 tips if you want to eat healthy and...

  • 15 Foods To Supercharge Your Smoothie

    Not only do smoothies taste delicious, but they are also a quick, easy way to add a ton of nutrition to your diet. These 8...

  • 7 Foods All Athletes Need To Have In Their Diet

    1. Diet Food An athletes dietary needs are much different than an average Joe’s. With athletes having daily workouts pushing their body and mind to...

  • 8 Weird Tips On Melting Away The Fat

    Getting rid of fat can be a frustrating process. It can seem like a case of two steps forward and three steps back. You know...

  • 15 Silly Tips To Destroy Fat

    We all want to get rid of unsightly fat. Sometimes there are simple, even silly things we can do to burn the fat. The following...

  • The 101 On Which Diets To Avoid

    There is an infinite number of diets that can be found on the internet presently, and a very small percentage of them actually work. Instead...

  • Mediterranean Diet Lowers Many Health Risks

    The Mediterranean diet is known to protect against heart disease, but it may also reverse metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms linked to heart disease...

  • The Sirtfood Diet

    While there is no real alternative to a slim and strong body that doesn’t include exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, scientists have now discovered...

  • Caffeinated Underwear? Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

    Bras, girdles and leggings infused with caffeine and sold as weight loss aids were more decaf than an average espresso, and the companies that sold...

  • Kitchen Hack’s That Will Help You Lose Weight

    You could shed some pounds by making minor changes at home, according to Brian Wansink, author of the new book “Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for...