Prepared this way, tilapia is the perfect dish to make for your family members or friends. It’s delicious, healthy and super easy to make. The...
Though it may seem like an odd combination, this strawberry spinach salad is one of the best summer salads you can eat, both in terms...
Nothing beats good appetizers. You’ll definitely host a successful lunch or dinner party if you use these mouth-watering parmesan spinach balls to stimulate your guests’...
A federally appointed nutritionist panel, The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, has finally decided to start factoring in the environmental sustainability in the recommendations which they...
Losing weight is never easy. There are so many things to keep in mind and so much to care about that it can all get...
We all know it’s not easy to maintain a healthy diet during the holidays, especially during Christmas and Easter. In order to resist temptation and...
It’s already quite obvious that eating more fruits and vegetables, as well as cutting back on red and processed meat, will make you healthier. The...
EPA and DHA are called “essential” fatty acids that appear in fish and krill oil. Our bodies can’t make them on their own so we need...
As the name suggests, the 1000 calorie diet limits the daily calorie intake to 1000 calories. The diet hangs on the premise that eating fewer...
We are shortening our lives with horrible food choices, a panel of experts confirmed in a statement. New U.S. dietary guidelines state that people definitely...